Leadership at RUICC

Guiding Our Church with
Faith and Integrity

The leadership of Revival Unity International Church Corporation (RUICC) is dedicated to fulfilling the mission and vision of our church through strong governance, spiritual guidance, and faithful service. Our leadership structure ensures that our church operates with integrity, transparency, and a steadfast commitment to our core values.

The High Council

The High Council of RUICC is the supreme governing body, responsible for directing and protecting the church’s mission and ensuring its continued growth and development. The High Council’s key responsibilities include:

  • Governance: Revising, amending, and approving the statutes and policies of RUICC to uphold good governance and unity.
  • Strategic Planning: Analyzing and approving the strategic plan, annual action plan, and budget to ensure the effective implementation of the church’s mission.
  • Oversight: Receiving and reviewing annual reports, including financial audits, to maintain transparency and accountability within the church.
  • Expansion: Approving the extension of RUICC’s activities to other regions and countries in accordance with legal requirements.

Pastors Office

Senior Pastor
The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader and primary representative of RUICC. Responsibilities include:

  • Spiritual Leadership: Presenting and upholding the church’s doctrine, unity, and adherence to its statutes and values.
  • Representation: Acting as the official spokesperson and legal representative of RUICC.
  • Leadership and Coordination: Leading all church activities, convening and chairing the High Council and High Pastoral Council, and ensuring the implementation of their resolutions.
  • Pastoral Care: Selecting, ordaining, and, if necessary, removing pastors from their duties, as well as nurturing relationships with partners and other organizations.

Head of Finance and Projects
The Head of Finance and Projects oversees the financial health and project management of RUICC. Key responsibilities include:

  • Financial Management: Ensuring efficient and law-abiding management of church finances and property.
  • Audits and Compliance: Planning and executing financial audits, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards, and implementing audit recommendations.
  • Budgeting: Preparing and managing the church’s budget, overseeing investment projects, and advising on financial strategies.
  • Reporting: Regularly reporting to the Senior Pastor on financial matters and project progress.

General Secretary
The General Secretary plays a crucial role in the administration and legal affairs of RUICC. Responsibilities include:

  • Legal Compliance: Collecting and analyzing laws relevant to RUICC’s operations and ensuring the church functions in accordance with them.
  • Mission Implementation: Monitoring the implementation of the church’s mission, doctrine, and values.
  • Planning and Reporting: Developing monthly, quarterly, and annual action plans related to the Executive Director’s responsibilities, and reporting on their progress.
  • Property Management: Managing the registration and transfer of RUICC property and ensuring proper documentation.
  • Support to Leadership: Assisting the Senior Pastor with additional duties as required.

Elders Council

The Elders Council, authorized by Jesus Christ as the head of the Church, governs the local congregation. The council consists of biblically qualified men who are called and gifted by the Holy Spirit to shepherd the flock of God. Their responsibilities include:

  • Spiritual Oversight: Providing leadership with love, humility, and service, guiding the church in spiritual growth and discipleship.
  • Pastoral Care: Caring for the spiritual well-being of church members and ensuring that the church remains faithful to its mission and values.
  • Church Governance: Overseeing the church’s day-to-day operations, ensuring that all activities align with biblical principles and the church’s doctrine.

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