Our Doctrine

The Foundation of Our Faith and Community

Our doctrine forms the bedrock of our faith, shaping our identity and guiding our actions as a community. These core beliefs are not just theological concepts but are the essence of who we are, defining our purpose and mission in this world. They influence every aspect of our lives, from our worship and service to our daily interactions, ensuring that we remain rooted in the truth of God’s Word and aligned with His will.

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The RUICC is established on the doctrine which is the basis of identity of its members and the things they are not allowed to do.

This doctrine is structed as follow:

  • Believes and is nourished by the holy scriptures which is the WORD OF GOD: the holy Bible and the salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Believes in one almighty God in the holy trinity, all powerful, creator of heaven and earth who was, who is, and who will be everlasting.
  • Believes in the fall of man who was created in the image of God perfect and pure but who fell into sin by his own will.
  • Believes in the Jesus Christ as the lord and savior, and the mediator between God and men and who was born by the virgin Mary by the power of the holy spirit.
  • Believes in the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, his resurrection and redemption of the world through faith in his blood.
  • Believes in the lordship of Christ as the head of the Church.
  • Believes in the baptism of water by immersion recommended to those who have already believed, repented, and received Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. 
  • Believes in the baptism of the holy spirit, as a member of the holy trinity.
  • Believes in the universal priesthood of God’s people.
  • Believes all gifts of the holy spirit, his leadership in the works of the church as set forth in the New Testament
  •  Believes in holiness of life through thoughts, words, and behavior in obeying God’s commandment.
  • Believes that God miraculously heals sickness healing through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross
  • Believes the holy supper according to the example Christ gave to his disciples. Bread as a memorial of his body, and cup as a memorial of his blood of the new covenant to all believers until the return of our lord Jesus Christ
  • Believes in the second coming of our lord Jesus Christ before the millennium reign when he will come to take his bride, which is the blessed hope of every believer.
  • Believes in the return of Jesus Christ to judge the living and the dead. It believes the eternal punishment of those who are not written in the book of life.
  • Believes in the resurrection of the dead and that the righteous will be rewarded for their deeds and will inherit eternal life in the kingdom of heaven, while the wicked will be cast in hell for eternity.

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